Details! Damage Meter Addons 9.0.2

Details! Damage meter – Addon – Shadowlands ( 9.0.2) is an WoW Addon that serves to see the damage, healing, dispels, which skill has kill...

Saturday, January 9, 2021


 WeaponSwingTimer is an addon for WoW Classic that tracks your’s and your target’s swing timer. It resets on abilities that would reset a swing timer, such as Warrior’s Slam, and also takes parry haste into account. The frame can be moved around with the typical click-and-drag. A configuration window can be brought up with /wst /WeaponSwingTimer or /weaponswingtimer where more visual options are available.

By LeftHandedGlove


Download the latest .zip file for your WoW version.

Wait for the zip file to download.

Unzip the WeaponSwingTimer folder into InterfaceAddons.

It should look like InterfaceAddonsWeaponSwingTimerWeaponSwingTimer.toc